Stirling : 9440 5250 | Armadale : 6117 9711




The first five years of a child’s life are crucial in shaping their development and preparing them for success in later life. During this time, children learn important life skills that will help them navigate the world around them.
Acacia Hill Childcare Student

About Our Lifeskills

The first five years of a child’s life are crucial in shaping their development and preparing them for success in later life. During this time, children learn important life skills that will help them navigate the world around them.

Life skills are abilities that enable individuals to effectively manage and navigate the challenges of daily life. These skills include communication, problem-solving, decision-making, self-awareness, and social skills, among others. It is during the early years of a child’s life these skills are developed and strengthened.

As early childhood educators, we understand children learn best through play and exploration.  This is why we provide a safe and supportive environment where children can learn and develop at their own pace. Through our unique Acacia Hill play-based curriculum, we encourage children to explore, discover, and learn through hands-on experiences.

We recognise each child is unique and develops at their own pace. Our educators work closely with parents and all caregivers to understand the individual needs and strengths of each child. This collaborative approach ensures each child receives the support and guidance they need to develop important life skills.

By nurturing the development of life skills, we are helping children become well-rounded individuals who can navigate the challenges of daily life.

Our Educational Influences

While we reflect on an array of educational theorists to support and provide meaning to our interpretations of children’s learning, at Acacia Hill Childcare, we have been heavily influenced by world renowned educational theorist Loris Malaguzzi and his Reggio Emilia Approach. Within our Australian context we have taken onboard many of his beliefs for best educational practice.

Our Philosophy

The Child

We view the child as the protagonist, we value and harness the natural curiosity and creativity of the whole child and interactions with peers and educators.  We explore this curiosity and creativity with wonder, gentle guidance, support, and reflection considering every child’s unique needs.

The Environment

We consider the environment to be the third teacher.  It is important to stop and play, to let children be wondrous of things that are new, explore, investigate, become involved in risk taking, get dirty and express their uniqueness in a safe, homely, healthy, interesting, stimulating, and thought-provoking environment. 

The Journey

We strive to capture the child’s journey and we share this with families.  This builds the foundation and history of the centre and contributes to the development of the child.  We continuously reflect and learn through this process.
We believe in a cycle of continuous learning and improvement.  As educators we learn from and teach each other, we learn from the children, and we gain knowledge from being active participants in our own learning and education. 

The Teacher

As Teachers, we bring our passions to the learning environment on a daily basis.  We share our love for our family, pets, and friends, we explore our love for food, sports and the outdoors, we read with passion, we share our stories, hopes for the future and experiences with love and respect.  We bring our unique skills, passions, and talents to the forefront each day to share them with the children, their families, the community, and our fellow teachers.
Acacia Hill Childcare Music

Our Values

At Acacia Hill Childcare, we are guided by our core values, learning, caring, and sharing. We believe these values are essential in creating a culture that promotes growth, compassion, and community involvement.


Learning is at the heart of everything we do. We understand that education is not just for children, but for everyone. Our team, children, families, and the community learn from each other, share knowledge and experiences, and grow together.


Caring is a value we hold dear, it’s why we stick with the title childCARE centre rather than the trendier ‘Early Learning School’. We believe every child deserves to grow up in a nurturing and supportive environment. Our team is committed to assisting families and the community in raising resilient children. We provide a caring and respectful environment that values best pedagogical practices, where everyone is treated with dignity and kindness.


Sharing is the third value that drives us. We believe sharing is essential in creating a sense of community and belonging. Our team, children, families, and the community share their passions, skills, talents, and stories with each other. We believe that by sharing, we can build stronger connections and create a sense of unity.

Our Food & Nutrition

We take your little ones’ meals seriously! We know how important it is to provide nourishing and delicious food for your children while they’re in our care. That’s why we’ve partnered with the National Nutrition Network Early Childhood Education and Care (NNN ECEC) program from Edith Cowan University. Our dedicated team of cooks and nutrition experts work tirelessly to prepare high-quality, freshly cooked meals that meet the dietary requirements of your little bundles of joy. Rest assured, we’re here to ensure that every mealtime is not only healthy but also a tasty adventure for your little explorers. Because at Acacia Hill Childcare, good food means happy kids!

Acacia Hill Childcare Food

From Our Blog

Life Skills at Acacia Hill

Life Skills at Acacia Hill

At Acacia Hill, our educators play an important role in assisting the development of life skills in all the children that come through our doors every day.  We believe it is important to share this with you so we can work together as a team to support your child. As...
